Tscope5 Documentation

Table of Contents

Tscope5 is a C/C++ experiment programming library for cognitive scientists.

It is mainly targeted at the Windows platform but also runs on Mac OS X and Linux.

It provides functions for randomization, graphics, sound, timing, response registration and synchronisation between computers.

Tscope5 is the successor of Tscope. It is entirely rewritten from scratch and is therefore not source compatible with the old version, even though the same functionality (and more) is provided.

The Tscope5 functions are split into different groups. These groups are listed here:

System functions

Central to Tscope5 there is a small set of functions that allow you to

Randomizer functions

Tscope5 provides an interface to the randomization routines from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).

Stimulus output functions

Display functions

This group of functions is used for opening/closing Tscope5 displays and for setting display parameters.

Tscope5 supports multiple displays, so you can

The graphics functions, primitives drawing functions, bitmap drawing functions, text input/output functions, mouse and keyboard functions require a display to be opened.

The system functions, randomizer functions, audio functions and timer functions do not require a display to be opened.

Graphics functions

This set of functions contains three groups:

Graphics parameters influence the primitives drawing functions, bitmap drawing functions and text input/output functions documented below.

Primitives drawing functions

This group of functions is used for drawing primitive objects on the display.

Bitmap drawing functions

This group of functions is used for drawing bitmap objects on the display.

Bitmaps can either be

Text input/output functions

This group of functions is used for drawing text on the display and for reading text from the keyboard.

Audio functions

This group of functions provides support for audio playback and recording.

Video functions

This group of functions provides video playback support.

Timer functions

This group of functions provides timer support.

The timer functions can

The valid reponse buttons or trigger signals have to be defined first using the mouse, keyboard, joystick, cedrusbox, parallel or serial port functions documented below.

On all response registration devices Tscope5 can detect both button press events and button release events.

On devices with sub-millisecond timing accuracy (cedrusboxes and parallel port response boxes) Tscope5 gives an estimate of the timing error. On other devices this estimate is not available (set to 0.0).

Trigger signals from another computer can be simulated internally so you don't need the other computer attached while programming your experiment.

Mouse functions

This group of functions provides mouse (and touch screen) support.

The mouse can be used

Keyboard functions

This group of functions provides keyboard support.

The keyboard can be used

Joystick functions

This group of functions provides joystick support.

Cedrusbox functions

This group of functions provides cedrusbox support.

Parallel port functions

This group of functions provides support for communication over the parallel port .

The parallel port can be used

Serial port functions

This group of functions provides support for communication over the serial port.

The serial port can be used