         / /_______________  ____  ___
        / __/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ _ \
       / /_(__  ) /__/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/
       \__/____/\___/\____/ .___/\___/

    making a balanced design

#include <tscope.h>

// number of cells for each variable
#define V1  2
#define V2  3
#define V3  2

// number of cells in the design
#define CELLS   (V1*V2*V3)

// frequency of each cell
#define FREQ    2

// data structure with the values
// of the 3 variables on each trial
struct {
    int v1, v2, v3;
} data[CELLS * FREQ];

// randomize it
int main()

    int i, list[CELLS * FREQ];  // array with temporary values
    ts_rlist(CELLS, FREQ, list);    // fill the array with random values

    // use the random trial number to compute
    // the values of the three variables
    printf("\n  trn  rnd  v1 v2 v3  rnd\n");

    for (i = 0; i < CELLS * FREQ; i++) {
        int tmp = list[i];      // take the random value
        printf("  %3d  %3d   ", i, tmp);    // print trial number + random value

        data[i].v1 = tmp % V1;  // remainder after division by V1 = level v1                
        tmp = list[i] / V1;     // work on with the integer quotient
        data[i].v2 = tmp % V2;  // remainder after division by V2 = level v2                
        tmp = tmp / V2;         // work on with the integer quotient
        data[i].v3 = tmp % V3;  // remainder after division by V3 = level v3                
        printf("%d  ", data[i].v1);
        printf("%d  ", data[i].v2);
        printf("%d  ", data[i].v3);

        // reconstuction of the random value
        // shows that the derived values for the 3 variables 
        // are unique
        tmp = data[i].v1 + data[i].v2 * V1 + data[i].v3 * V1 * V2;
        printf("%3d\n", tmp);
    return 0;


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Allegro | Cygwin | Gcc
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