
void stop_init ();

The default parameters for ts_stop() and ts_go(). Parameters are:

- stopsignal.freq = 750; frequence of auditory signal

- stopsignal.soundtime = mtt(75); duration of auditory signal

- stopsignal.cleartime = mtt(0); clear screen after X ms but before response (if mtt(0), clear screen when response is given)

- stopsignal.maxtime = mtt(1500); defines the maximum time to wait for response

- stopsignal.staircase = ON; staircase tracking procedure is implemented (see e.g. Band et al, 2003). For fixed SSDs, stopsignal.staircase = OFF.

- stopsignal.step = 50 ms adjustments (ms) in SSD made staircase tracking procedure (e.g. 50 ms decrease in SSD after signal-respond trial)

- ts_volume (60); standard tscope function

These parameters can be changed individually during the experiment. Notice that the initial stop signal delay is not set via stop_init(); Do this in the experiment before the first signal trial.

int ts_stop (__int64 *time, __int64 *error, int SSD);

Similar to int ts_resp(). Waits for a response. Writes the number of tics between computer start-up and the response to *time, writes the estimated timing error to *error. The function returns the number of the response key pressed. However, after a certain delay (SSD), a stop signal is presented to inform the participants to withold their response. Parameters of the stop signal are initially set via stop_init(), but can be changed individually afterwards at any moment. When no response is given, the trial will end at maxtime (see also stop_init();).

int ts_go (__int64 *time, __int64 *error);

Same as int ts_resp(). The parameters as in ts_stop() such as maxtime and cleartime are implemented.

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