Tscope5 installation manual

Table of Contents


We bundled all the tools (compiler, libraries, fonts, custom scripts) that Tscope5 relies on into a single installer package called Mingw4Tscope5.

Tscope5 itself is not part of MinGW4Tscope5, as it is updated more frequently.

After the installation of MinGW4Tscope5, you will still need to install Tscope5 as described in the next section.


Download the installer here. It is about 450 megabytes.

After installation an icon called 'MinGW4Tscope5 will be added to your desktop. Double clicking this icon will open a bash shell where you can enter your compilation commands.


The distribution currently contains a version of notepad++ that has some predefined shortcuts to compile and run Tscope5 programs.

You can also compile and run Tscope5 programs using the shell commands described in the compilation manual .

Mac OS X


First you will need to install Xcode, Apple's development environment. It can be downloaded for free from the App Store. The download can take a while, it is about 3.5 Gigabytes.

Once it is installed open it (you can find it in the Applications folder). At first launch, some components will be installed or upgraded. That may also take a while.

Then open a Terminal (Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and install the command line tools by typing

 sudo xcode-select --install


The next step is to install MacPorts. MacPorts provides an infrastructure for building, installing and packaging open source software. It can be downloaded here.

Make sure you download a version that is compatible with your version of OS X (versions for Mavericks, Mountain Lion and Lion are available).

Once you have installed MacPorts open a Terminal (Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and copy-paste the commands described below.

First you will need to update your package repository list:

sudo port selfupdate

Then you can install the libraries that are needed by Allegro5:

sudo port install cmake wget gsl zlib freetype jpeg libogg physfs libpng flac libtheora +universal

That process will also take a while.


Then you can install Allegro5

cd /usr/local/
sudo mkdir -p src

cd src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

cd allegro-5.1.13
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..
sudo make install


Install the fonts needed by Tscope5

cd /usr/local/share
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5_data.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5_data.tar.bz2


And finally install Tscope5

cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

cd tscope5-0.6
sudo make install-macosx

If you want to update Tscope5 you will only need to run this last block of commands.

A good text editor for Mac OS X is textmate. It can be downloaded here.

Linux (Ubuntu)

To get Tscope5 running on Linux, open a terminal window and copy-paste the commands described below.

Development tools

First you will need to update your package repository list:

sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the development tools

sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake cmake-curses-gui xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev

And install the Allegro5 addons

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libvorbis-dev \
    libopenal-dev libphysfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev \
    libasound-dev libpulse-dev libflac-dev libdumb1-dev \
    libtheora-dev libgsl0-dev


Then you can install Allegro5

cd /usr/local/
sudo mkdir -p src
cd src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

cd allegro-5.1.11
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..


sudo make install

sudo ldconfig


Install the fonts needed by Tscope5

cd /usr/local/share
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5_data.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5_data.tar.bz2


And finally install Tscope5

cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

cd tscope5-0.6
sudo make install-linux

sudo ldconfig

If you want to update Tscope5 you will only need to run this last block of commands.

Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)

To get Tscope5 running on the Raspberry Pi, open a terminal window and copy-paste the commands described below.

Development tools

First you will need to update your package repository list:

sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the development tools

sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake cmake-curses-gui xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev

Wiring Pi

Then you can install Wiring Pi, an interface to the GPIO

cd /usr/local/src
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd wiringPi
sudo git pull origin
sudo ./build


First install the Allegro5 addons

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libvorbis-dev \
    libopenal-dev libphysfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev \
    libasound-dev libpulse-dev libflac-dev libdumb1-dev \
    libtheora-dev libgsl0-dev

Then you can install Allegro5

cd /usr/local/
sudo mkdir -p src

cd src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf allegro-5.1.13.tar.bz2

On Raspbian the next step is:

cd allegro-5.1.13
sudo mkdir Build
cd Build
sudo cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain-raspberrypi.cmake -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/freetype2
sudo make

sudo make install
sudo cp -r ../include/allegro5/* /usr/local/include/allegro5

sudo ldconfig


Install the fonts needed by Tscope5

cd /usr/local/share
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5_data.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5_data.tar.bz2


And finally install Tscope5

cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget http://expsy.ugent.be/tscope5/download/tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

sudo tar -xjf tscope5-0.6.tar.bz2

cd tscope5-0.6
sudo make install-raspberrypi

sudo ldconfig

If you want to update Tscope5 you will only need to run this last block of commands.