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// display02.c
// - Open a windowed display.
// - Count back from 10 to 0:
// - Draw on a bitmap.
// - Then display the bitmap.
// - Wait for a click.
// - The visual output of this example is identical to display01.c.
// - This functionality is mainly useful if it takes a long time
// to draw your stimuli.
#include <tscope5.h>
int main()
// open a display
// query the display size of the first display
double w, h;
// allocate a bitmap, same size as the display
TS5_BITMAP *map = ts5_alloc_bitmap(w, h);
int i;
for (i=10; i>=0; i--) {
// set the bitmap as the drawing target
// clear it
// and print the number on the bitmap
ts5_printf(0.0, 0.0, "%d", i);
// set the first display as the drawing target
// draw the bitmap
ts5_draw_bitmap(map, 0.0, 0.0);
// always free the objects you allocated!
// wait for a click
return 0;