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// audio03.c
// - Record an audio sample.
// - Save it to a file.
#include <tscope5.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// install a display
// define the escape key
// set some audio parameters
// default is CD quality but that's
// probably overkill
// start the audio recorder
// allocate an audio sample
TS5_SAMPLE *test = ts5_alloc_sample(10.0);
// fixation point
ts5_printf(0.0, 0.0, "+");
// blank
// stimulus
ts5_printf(0.0, 0.0, "tscope is de max");
// display the stimulus, start timing and start recording
// record until the buffer is full or
// until the user presses escape
while (!ts5_get_sample_fragments(test) && !ts5_check_response(NULL, NULL)) {
// here you can do whatever you want
// the recording buffer is around 10 seconds
// save the recording
ts5_write_sample("test.wav", test);
// stop the audio recorder
return 0;