
If you want to run programs with Tscope, you will have to install it first. How you can do that is explained in the download section.

The quickstart guide explains you the basic commands you need to know to compile and run Tscope programs. Some information on the use of the Cygwin bash shell is also available, but not necessary for a basic usage of Tscope.

The best way to learn how Tscope works is by running some examples, and reading their source. The examples are minimal programs that show how some Tscope functions work. Examples of full experiments are also available. They show how a full experiment program can be designed.

The next step is going trough the reference manual in html or pdf. There is also a Behavior Research Methods article that describes the functionality of Tscope.

Some Frequently Asked Questions are answered in the FAQ. If you have an interesting question that isn't there, mail it, and it will be added, together with a hopefully satisfying answer.

There are some tests available that can help if you have problems finding a screen setup that works, or if you are trying to interface an input device with Tscope.

Advanced users can read the Tscope source if the examples or reference manual aren't clear.

The contrib section is only available on the Tscope home site. It contains experiment-specific algorithms and full-blown experiments submitted by Tscope users. All users are encouraged to submit the fruit of their programming efforts to the authors. This way we can provide other users with as many examples as possible.

Persoonlijke pagina Universiteit GentTscope
Allegro | Cygwin | Gcc
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